Treatment Outcomes for Dr. Persons

Dr. Persons will work with you in an early session of your therapy to set goals for your therapy and identify ways to monitor progress toward them. Progress monitoring is an evidence-based practice, and has been shown to improve patient outcomes.

Dr. Persons will monitor your progress in several ways. The weekly symptom measure she uses most often is the Depression Anxiety and Stress Scales (the DASS; Lovibond & Lovibond, 1995). It assesses symptoms of depression (e.g., lack of positive emotion, hopelessness), anxiety (e.g., panic), and stress (e.g., negative emotions, irritability, tension). 
Scores on the Depression, Anxiety, and Stress scales of the DASS at the Start and End of treatment for a sample of 24 patients that Dr. Persons treated in the last several years are posted here.

Outcome Data for Dr. Persons

Sample = 24 patients. These data are general and not specific to individual circumstances.

 Scores on the three subscales on the DASS can be broken down into categories, like this:


  • 0-9 = normal range

  • 10-13 = mild

  • 14-20 = moderate

  • 21-42 = severe


  • 0-7 = normal range

  • 8-9 = mild

  • 10-14 = moderate

  • 15-42 = severe


  • 0-14 = normal range

  • 15-18 = mild;

  • 19-25 moderate

  • 26-42 = severe

A published paper showing that outcomes of depressed patients Dr. Persons treated are comparable to outcomes of patients treated in the randomized controlled trials is posted here.