Training at the Oakland CBT Center

We provide training to professionals and trainees who wish to learn or strengthen skills in cognitive behavior therapy. 

Dr. Persons can provide training in any of these formats:

A lecture or Grand Rounds or in-service training. Recent examples include:

The Case Formulation Approach to Cognitive Behavior Therapy, presented to the psychology interns, externs, and postdoctoral fellows in the Evidence-based Psychotherapy program at the San Francisco Veterans Administration Medical Center, September 24, 2019.

Career Development in Clinical Psychology, presented to the psychology interns and postdoctoral fellows at University of California at San Francisco and San Francisco Veterans Administration, June 18, 2019.

A Clinical Scientist in Psychological Practice: The Development of my Case Formulation Approach, presented to the clinical psychology students and faculty, University of Southern California, May 14, 2019. 

Cognitive Behavior Therapy. Grand Rounds, San Mateo County Health System, March 27, 2018. 

Collecting Data to Guide Psychotherapy and – With Some Luck – Produce a Single Case Study. Workshop, Clinical Science Program, Department of Psychology, University of California at Berkeley, October 10, 2017.

(xx link to handouts when available for these talks)

A half-day or day-long workshop. Recent examples include: (xx post the workshop handouts so that when the person clicks on the name of the workshop the handouts come up)

The Case Formulation Approach to Cognitive-behavior Therapy, day-long workshop, 

International Congress of Cognitive Psychotherapy, Hong Kong, June 24, 2014.

Case Formulation and Progress Monitoring. Day-long workshop, Australian Association of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Melbourne, Australia, April 18, 2010.

Developing an Initial Conceptualization for an Adult Complex Case: A Hands-on Exercise. Master Clinician Seminar presented at the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, San Francisco, April, 2017.

Handling Treatment Failure Successfully, day-long workshop, xxx Juliet can you get the cite for the 2013 workshop on this topic that I did for the NCCBT and post that one here.

How to do Research in Your Private Practice, half-day workshop, Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Philadelphia, PA, November 22, 2014.

A webinar. Examples include: 

Monitoring Progress in Psychotherapy. Presented for Division 12, Society for Clinical Psychology of the American Psychological Association, January 27, 2016.

Overcoming Treatment Failure: A Problem-solving Exercise. Presented for the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, May 28, 2015.